Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Dewi's subjugation

Tasyai tapo damaha karmeti pratishta vedaha sarvaangaani satyam aayatanam.

Intensity, subjugation and activity are foundations/
Knowings are limbs/
Truth, it's fulcrum// 

- Kena Upanishad 4.8, - paragraph 33 -

The simple story is loaded with symbolism.
The Brahman, the three gods - Agni, Wayu, Indra - selected from numerous vedic gods, 
the choice of one goddess from many - goddess Uma -   revealing spiritual knowledge,
as well as the phrasing of the type, 'the wonderful being',
are allegories, that refer to the Upanishad's spiritual themes. 

Devas themselves are allegorical reference to sensory and intellectual capabilities of man.
The war, symbolizing challenges a man traces, in his journey through life. 

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

moon of Regulus

Rash as a giddy moth that woos the flame
Kama seized the moment prepared to aim

Harasthu kincit pariluptadhairya ha 
Chandrodayam iva amburashi hi.

Like the moon's tug to the sea at rest
came passion stealin o'er the Hermit's breast.

- Canto III -
Kama Dahanam,     
Kalidasa, Translation - Ralph T H Griffith

Lenten diligence

Water from highlands flow downward.

But with intensity, when transformed to vapor, rise upward -  to reach  heights, ride on clouds and travel sunward.

A non-violent mind,  is refined, vaporized, reaches peaks - eager to waft into freedom, divinity.

- Violent minds harbor uneasiness.
Speaking tree, November 06, 2016.