Monday, 15 February 2021

Lenten Uparati

Turning both kinds of sense faculties - motor and perception - away from sense objects, and placing them in their respective centers, is Daama, Daamyata.

The best Uparati or withdrawal consists in mind-activity, not being tethered to external stimuli. 

- Wiweka Chudamani,   

Sacred Space , Times Of India,    Feb. 5, 2021

Friday, 12 February 2021

Nine winter nights

Childless royal couple of Madurai, Malayadhwaja Pandyan and Kanchana Maalai, performed ritualistic sacrifices. And Princess Thataathakai manifested - with three ovaries. 

A prophecy was heard, that the princess would lose her distortion, the moment she sighted her suitor.

Thataathakai reached adolescence, and went on a battle spree, conquering kingdom after kingdom. They reached Himalayan foot hills - there were no more kingdoms to conquer.

And her anxious minister Sumathi, prodded her on - the prophecy was yet to be fulfilled. "There are kingdoms in the mountains, let's invade," she urged. 

Pandyan army ventured into highlands, where the princess sighted Sundar-ishwara, the handsome Lord - and her third breast vanished. Thataathakai became Meena - akshi, the fish eyed

- Story of Meenakshi, as told in tradition

Thursday, 4 February 2021

third quarter @ Wishaaka

What is a trail to one's core . . . ?

It is to recognize the no-self, . . .  in oneself.

As one treks, slowly, nothing like the self remains. Only then the inner being, is.

That void, is the inner being. Because the void, is the whole.

- Osho         Sacred space,     TOI,     Feb 3, 2021 

Second quarter @ Tishya

According to Wedanta (beyond wedic) traditions, subject matter and essence of all Upanishads are same.

All Upanishad Mahawaakyas (great statements of Upanishads) express this, in terse, concise statements.  

Chandogya Upanishad says, Tat Twam asi - That is you!    

- Wikipedia