Body is a
puppet made with
five elements; do 5 elements have interior or
exterior?To hold oneself as an earthen urn, is ignorance; to know that one is mere earth, is Gnana.
To hold oneself as a piece of jewelry, is ignorance; to know, that one is gold, one is a jewel, is Gnana.
To hold oneself as a bubble, is ignorance; to know, that one is water, is Gnana.
When a bubble, ripple, wave knows, it is water, it is Gnana, or loss of ignorance.
To hold oneself as body, senses, mind, intellect is ignorance.
To not hold oneself as body, mind, senses or intellect, is Gnana- prasuna, or blooming of knowing.
To hold oneself as a Jiva, is ignorance; Because you are Brahman, the Supreme Self.
- Difficulty in meeting, the Supreme Self