Sunday, 9 June 2019

moon of Mula

Raging thirst of a human mind, at it's roots, is generally ignored.

This thirst is quenched, when mind returns to it's source and abides.

If it does not rest at it's roots, mind continues in unease.

 Grief, anxiety, depression are merely symptoms of a wailing mind.

And we want to numb it with drugs, pills, alcohol. That is the story of every mind.

- Depression: a spiritual perspective.

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Chitta shuddi - Orion crescent

Only truth we know is our puny mind, and the world around us - and both are in flux.

But when our involvement in day to day activities becomes choiceless, that very flow of activity, cleanses our consciousness. Sway of mind is dampened.

Because, in choicelessness we ignore our mind to some extent - as there is little room, for our own  likes and dislikes.

- Shri Chandrashekarendra Saraswati, Kanchi.