Sunday, 21 June 2020

9 summer nights '20

Transactions with the world leave impressions of many hues - in your mind. But, in deep sleep, mind does not transact.

Your own mind is the wide, expansive world.

This very mind, if for only a moment, connects with the beginning-less, endless, imperishable, truth, consciousness, bliss, eternal, pure and the free principle of Brahman - then it gets liberated from all impressions.

Amrit warsha   June 15, 2020 

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Wi-Shaka - branch-less

Mind is a baffling phenomenon.

You have never seen it, touched it, smelt it, tasted it, you have never heard it. It is not perceivable by the 5 senses. Yet it exists.

It exists because you don't know who you are, what the truth is.

But when you move into the zone of meditativeness, mind dies. When it is thought-less, memory-less, wasana-less, mind vanishes.

Amrit Warsha, May 18, 2020

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

first quarter @ Phalguna

When one becomes a deepest valley of reception, highest peaks of consciousness can be given.

If one is so receptive, that one has no mind of one's own, one is simply an emptiness. Then, words and symbols are not needed, something can be given.

Real thing follows the words - like a shadow.

- Tilopa's Song of  Mahamudra - Osho  
 Chapter 1 - The Ultimate Experience

Phalguna moon

Shiwa Shiwa
Pashyanti samam
Shri Kamakshi katakshita ha purusha ha

wipinam bhavanam   
amitram mitram
loshtam ca yuvathi bimboshtam
Pashanti samam

Shiwa, the auspicious,
Men who earn a sidelong glance, of the turtle-eyed goddess
they look the same upon

punishing woods and plush villas
foe and friend
clod of terracotta and luscious lips of a young lass
they look the same upon

- Arya's 100,  Verse  48

Maundy Thursday

Chandrayaan austerity attempts to sync it's pitch with moon phases.

One may start with a full meal, on a full moon day - and reduce intake with each passing day.

On the thirteenth day of waning, one may subsist with just liquids, water or even less. And hold a full emptiness on the 14th waning.

The tapering is reversed from the new moon, to enjoy a full meal on the full moon.
A difficult austerity to do, but some people do it for it's merit.

Vichar Chandrodaya,  Amrit Warsha